Due to the COVID-19 pandemics, the first meeting of the Management Committee (MC) of SEA-UNICORN was held online. Organized and hosted by COST representatives, it took place during two half days, on the 22nd (afternoon) and the 23rd (morning) of September 2020.
It gathered 42 participants, representing 25 of the 27 COST countries that had signed the Memorandum of Understanding of the COST Action at this date.
At this occasion, MC representatives were reminded the global aim of the Action, its structure, its objectives and tasks, and its expected deliverables. They were presented with the Work & Budget plan for the first Grant Period, and invited to take part in general discussions on the Action's internal procedures and on the tasks listed for each Working Group.
The MC also elected the Action Chair and Vice Chair, officially accepted the Tecnico institute (Lisbon, Portugal) as its Grant Holder and approved the Core Group member list proposed by the Chair (including the eight Working Group co-leaders and the Action's Science Communication Manager and STSM coordinator).
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