The SEA-UNICORN COST Action is positioned at the Science-Society-Policy interface. The Action aims to not only advance scientific knowledge but also to contribute to global sustainable development, and public training and information.
Its activities are dispatched
among four working groups
WG1, in charge of MFC knowledge improvement
WG2 and WG3, in charge of MFC knowledge integration, respectively with the modellers and the stakeholders involved in the prediction and mitigation of the impacts of Global change and exploitation.
WG4, in charge of MFC knowledge dissemination
The activities of the four WGs will occur in parallel during the whole course of the Action, but many joint activities are planned. Click on the links below to learn more about the specific objectives and tasks of each WG.
The management structure of SEA-UNICORN was designed to promote international collaboration and facilitate the fulfilment of the Action's research and capacity-building objectives, as outlined in its Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
For this, the following key roles were assigned to varied Action members, from all participating countries.
The Management Committee (MC)
The MC is the central decision-making body in a COST action, in charge of overseeing the Action strategy and implementation and of approving the Work & Budget Plan for each Grant Period. It consists of up to two representatives from each of the countries that have joined the Action.
The list of the countries involved in the Action can be found here.
The names and contact information of MC members (and their substitutes) can be found here.
The Chair and the Vice-Chair
The Chair presides over the MC and Core Group meetings. The Vice-Chair leads MC meeting when the Chair is unavailable. The Vice-Chair is also a member of the Core Group.
The Grant Holder (GH)
The GH is the institution in the Action in charge of its financial management and the various coordination tasks required to successfully support the implementation of approved activities. Among its representatives, the Grant Manager is the person responsible for overseeing the administrative management of the COST Action.
Grant Holder scientific representative
Grant Holder Administrator
Susana Oliveira
Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Core Group (CG)
The CG acts as the steering committee of the Action, proposing and organizing activities in line with the objectives specified both in the Action’s MoU and in the Work & Budget Plan approved by the MC for each Grant Period. It is made up of the Actions' Chair, its Vice-Chair, the Working Group leaders, the Grant Holder Administrator, the Science Communication Manager and the STSM coordinator.
David Goldsborough
Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands