The fourth Management Committee (MC) meeting and second annual Cross-Group meeting of the Action took place online on October 27th 2022, and lasted for 1/2 day. The total number of participants was 68, from 31 countries. In total, 25 MC members (from 22 of our 31 COST countries) attended the meeting. 4 MC observers (from Algeria, Morocco, US and Tunisia) and 39 additional SEA-UNICORN members (from 25 countries) also followed some of the presentations. At this occasion, the Core Group presented the advances made in each Working Group during Grant Period 2 (Nov. 2021 - Oct. 2022), and through the STSMs and varied grants funded so far.

A brief update on the current and upcoming activities for Grant Period 3 (Nov 2022 - Oct 2023), and on the deliverables expected in 2023 was made. Then, future MC votes (to be hold online using the e-COST voting tool) were discussed.
Lastly, the Action Chair proposed a draft for the Work & Budget plan for GP3. This later will be amended following the exchanges during the MC meeting and submitted to COST for approval in early November. An important part of the budget will be dedicated to the organization of the upcoming symposium on Human Impacts on MFC (in May 2022, in Sesimbra - Portugal), which be the occasion for >25 SEA-UNICORN members from different countries to meet in person in 2023. The next MC meeting will be hold in September 2023.
